Ever seen the movie Gone in 60 seconds?? Unfortunately, that’s how some men experience sex. Premature ejaculation (pe) is one of those health concerns that’s considered by some to be too embarrassing to talk about and therefore goes undiagnosed in so many men. It’s estimated that some 30% of all men are affected by premature ejaculation, but the stigma usually associated with this health issue means that certainly, the numbers could be almost double.
One study noted by the NHS in the UK estimated that, in a study of some 500 couples in multiple different countries, the estimated time for ‘normal’ ejaculation is five-and-a-half minutes.1 Anecdotal estimates usually put this number at much more, with some men striving for a quite unrealistic lasting time before ejaculation.
The reality, however, is that time in bed, and how long a man ‘lasts’ is a subjective consideration. In some cases, for example, there have been numerous instances of men experiencing delayed ejaculation, or not even ejaculating at all during sex. As surprising as this may be to some, it is a problem that exists. It should be noted that removing the stigma from the issue is the first step in dealing with this health concern and ensuring that you have a more fulfilling sexual experience with your partner.
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The notion of ‘machismo’ has given the impression that masculinity is not only defined by the size of one’s male organ but also whether one is long-lasting in bed. With this in mind, men have sought ways to not only increase sexual performance and ‘potency’ in bed but to also find ways to stop premature ejaculation. Getting help with premature ejaculation is important for men attempting to improve their sex lives and wanting to feel comfortable about their performances between the sheets.
Common physical causes of premature ejaculation include:
- Prostate problems
- Drug use
- Alcohol abuse
- Thyroid problems
Common psychological causes of premature ejaculation include:
- Depression
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Relationship issues
- Sexual performance anxiety
Dealing with premature ejaculation
Finding out how to stop pe has consumed many men suffering in silence. From hypnosis, to medicinal potions, natural remedies, exercises and drugs, finding ways to not only deal with health issues like premature ejaculation has occupied the minds of many from time immemorial. If you’re suffering from pe, don’t be frustrated, there are numerous different options available for dealing with this concern.
Although officially some of the drugs used for treating premature ejaculation are not approved for this particular purpose, there are different drugs which are recommended and used, and have proven effective.
The following antidepressants (known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) ) are used and recommended for premature ejaculation:
- escitalopram (Lexapro)
- sertraline (Zoloft)
- paroxetine (Paxil)
- fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem)
Side effects of the above-mentioned serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) include:
- fatigue
- feeling sick and being sick
- diarrhoea
- excessive sweating
Some men have noted immediate benefits from taking the above-mentioned drugs, however, it is recommended to be taken for at least one to two weeks in order to experience satisfactory results.
One of the most effective medications used against premature ejaculation is the SSRI known as Dapoxetine – marketed as priligy. It’s widely available and has been licensed in the UK. This SSRI has proven to be effective faster than almost any other drug on the market. It’s advised to be taken 1-3 hours before one’s sexual encounter. It should be noted however, that mixing with certain medications isn’t ideal, and men suffering from kidney, liver or heart problems are guided not to use it.
Overall, as noted above, there are side-effects to using these kinds of drugs. However, they are mild and are guaranteed to clear up within 3 weeks. In the case of dapoxetine, make sure to use it ONLY once per day.
Increasing your staying power
For the vast majority of men, even those not suffering from premature ejaculation, the notion of increasing the length of time in bed before ejaculation has been an intriguing consideration. Quite frankly, most men are interested in this topic.
Even in the olden days, the notion of machismo has been associated with male ‘potency’ and quality sex associated with lasting long in bed. It should be noted however that there is a distinction between this and what is referred to as delayed ejaculaton. Delayed ejaculation can be characterised by: – experiencing a significant delay before ejaculation or, being unable to ejaculate at all, even though the man wants to and his erection is normal.
There are numerous recommendations that have proven to successfully benefit men wanting to ‘stay hard longer’. Some ‘do it yourself’ remedies include:
- The ‘stop-go’ technique – This is where the man and his partner stop and go intermittently during intercourse to prevent premature ejaculation. This allows the man to regain control.
- The squeeze technique – This method is where the man, or his partner, would squeeze the head of the penis so as to prevent ejaculation for approximately 10-20 seconds. After this period, they re-continue intercourse
Natural remedies
There are a host of natural and effective remedies that anyone can try at home to improve sexual performance and to treat with and prevent erectile dysfunction. By natural remedies, we’re referring to anything outside the use of medication. Some of what we refer to as natural remedies can also be classified as behavioural techniques. We’ve noted earlier, the squeeze technique, as well as the ‘start-and-stop’ technique.
Here are some more natural remedies that have proven effective:
- Pelvic floor muscle training – Strong pelvic muscles have proven effective in slowing ejaculation before the desired time. Practice holding those muscles 10-15 times in a row without tightening your bottocks or pulling in your stomach.
- Down tempo – Try slowing the tempo while ‘stroking’ during intercourse. In addition, manipulate the angles well, maneuvering from one side to the other.
- Thick condoms – Some men have sensitive penises. This makes ejaculation more likely due to a higher degree of excitement. Thicker condoms reduces the sensitivity.
- Prostate massage – Massaging the muscles and blood vessels around the pelvic area and near the penis has proven beneficial to relieving numerous sex-related health concerns.
- Focus on something else – The mind plays a major role in sexual arousal. Focus on something else temporarily to reduce extreme arousal if necessary.
There is no outright cure for premature ejaculation, but applying some of these techniques is guaranteed to help somewhat.
Is Emla Cream good for premature ejaculation?
Emla cream, along with numerous different anaesthesia creams containing: lidocaine and prilocaine – have proven effective in dealing with premature ejaculation. Creams like these numb the penis sufficient to allow for longer lasting sex in most men. It is noted however, that the cream can sometimes pass on to the vagina and in-turn cause slight numbing. This could negatively affect the satisfaction level of the woman.