Proscar is a medicine that is commonly prescribed for the treatment of enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (or BPH for short). Its exceptional efficiency is rooted in its active ingredient, finasteride, which inhibits the function of a specialised enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone – a process that is thought to play an important role in the swelling of the prostate gland.

Available in a tablet form, Proscar is simply taken once per day to ease the symptoms of BPH. While some users might notice quick improvements, Proscar is considered to be a long-term treatment and as such, it is thought to produce visible results in roughly six months.

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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate): A brief overview

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), colloquially known as enlarged prostate is a rather common condition affecting mostly men older than 50 years. While not a serious condition in itself, BPH can cause a number of potentially dangerous complications and it can also be an indication of prostate cancer, which is why any symptoms akin to those of BPH should be a sign that you should visit a doctor immediately and get proper treatment.

Prostate gland plays a vital role in the male reproductive system as it produces a thick white substance which gets mixed with sperm produced by the testicles prior to ejaculation. Fluid produced by prostate functions as a kind of vehicle for sperm, allowing it to travel through the womb after ejaculation.

With time, the prostate gland can grow in size, and this is especially common in men aged 50 or more. As the gland is situated between the penis and the bladder, when it does become enlarged it will put extra pressure on the urethra, thus causing decreased flow of urine out of the body and creating a sense of strain when urinating. In addition to this, it can also lead to increased urinary frequency, discomfort and in rare cases, the appearance of blood in the urine.

Who is at risk of BPH?

As mentioned, BPH is most common in men older than 50 years, but this doesn’t mean that other age groups can’t get affected. The root cause of the condition is, as of now, still a subject of much debate within the medical community, but the leading hypothesis states that this condition is directly related to the way the body deals with testosterone after a specific age – namely, converting it to dihydrotestosterone. It has been noticed that in older men and especially those affected by BPH, this conversion rate is significantly higher as compared to younger and otherwise healthy men. This regularity serves as a strong indication that the theory about the link between testosterone conversion and BPH might just be the correct answer.

Proscar in the treatment of enlarged prostate

Medications for the treatment of BPH rely on this hypothesis and act by inhibiting the conversion in question. When it comes to Proscar, this medicine relies on an active ingredient called finasteride that inhibits the activity of 5-alpha reductase enzyme, a naturally synthesised compound that plays a crucial role in the hormonal transformation. By compromising its function, Proscar will decrease the speed of hormonal conversion, thus reducing the effects this process has on prostate.

Can I buy Proscar online in the UK?

Yes, it is possible to buy Proscar online, but you should keep in mind that in the UK this is a prescription-only medicine, so you will have to obtain a prescription in order to buy it legally. If this is your first time buying Proscar, and you aren’t too keen on going the traditional route (making an appointment at the doctor then waiting in line at the pharmacy), you can still order this medicine online.

Most online clinics offer various forms of consultations with a doctor – from live chat apps, to customized questionnaires, all these methods are there to help the doctor employed by the online clinic to make an informed decision about your suitability for the treatment, based on your medical profile and history.

If you get the go-ahead from the doctor, he will issue a prescription and use it that very same moment to send the required medicine straight to your doorstep.

How is Proscar used?

When using Proscar, it is absolutely crucial to precisely follow the guidelines presented to you by your prescriber. In addition to this, you should also consult the official patient information leaflet that you can find within every box of the medicine for a detailed overview of the treatment. Doing so will go a long way in diminishing the risk of side effects while at the same time boosting the chances of success.

Some most general guidelines can be described as follows:

  • Take the tablets exactly as instructed
  • In a vast majority of cases, the prescribed dose will be one tablet per day
  • Proscar is a long-term treatment, so noticeable improvements can be expected to manifest as much as six months following the beginning of the treatment
  • Proscar has been known to produce quick improvements in a fraction of those using it
  • Never exceed the prescribed amount
  • If you miss a dose, do not try to compensate – instead, just carry on with the treatment as prescribed

It is important to note that this is just the most general guide – for in-depth information regarding Proscar use, please refer to the official patient information leaflet.

Are there any Proscar side effects?

As is the case with all prescription medicines, Proscar also comes with an array of potential side effects. The most serious of them certainly is an allergic reaction to the medicine. If you turn out to be allergic to Proscar or any of its ingredients, it is essential to contact the emergency services immediately and ask for advice. The symptoms will be very similar to that of a usual allergic reaction:

  • Skin rash
  • Itching
  • Hives
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, throat and face

In addition to this, Proscar has been known to cause a number of other side effects in some men, including:

  • Erection or libido problems
  • Ejaculation difficulties
  • Breast swelling or tenderness
  • Testicular pain
  • Depression
  • Reduced liver function
  • Palpitations
  • Breast discharge and changes in breast tissue consistency

Proscar contraindications

In order to ensure the safety of Proscar treatment, always make sure to disclose all the relevant info to your doctor and this includes other medicines you might be taking at the moment and other medical conditions that you might be affected by.

It is also important to note that this medicine should never be used by women. And this is especially important for pregnant women – they should avoid any contact with Proscar since it may harm the development of their baby. As this medicine can also pass into semen of male users, it is important to always use a condom so that your partner doesn’t come into contact with the medicine.