Emerade is an adrenaline autoinjector (AAI), also known as epipen, an emergency treatment used for the immediate treatment of anaphylaxis, a symptom of the most severe allergic reactions that is considered to be life-threatening if untreated. As such, Emerage is an intramuscular injection that is administered to the thigh. It achieves the desired effects by preventing the rapid drop in blood pressure that usually accompanies anaphylactic shock. At the same time, this treatment is highly efficient in relaxing the muscles lining the airways, thus providing relief from severe breathing difficulties.

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How does Emerade work?

Just like all other epipens, Emerade contains the hormone adrenaline (also known as epinephrine, hence the name epipen) which has proven to be highly efficient in treating severe allergic reactions. During anaphylactic shock, the immune system mistakenly identifies the allergen present within the body as a threat akin to an infection and it releases certain chemicals, most notably histamine, in response. These chemicals are main culprits for all the symptoms experienced by the person affected.

When administered, adrenaline in Emerade will prevent the blood vessels from dilating further, thus stopping the sudden drop in blood pressure characteristic of anaphylaxis. At the same time, it will contribute to the relaxation of the smooth muscle tissue lining the airways, facilitating their dilation and thus making breathing possible again.

However, it is important to note that Emerade is an emergency treatment that will provide you quick relief from the symptoms of anaphylactic shock, but one should not rely on it as the sole method of dealing with allergies. Following the administration of Emerade adrenaline auto-injector, you should contact the emergency services immediately, so they can do a follow-up treatment and assessment of your condition.

Emerade dose

Emerade adrenaline auto-injector is available in two different dosages, 300mcg (0.3mg) and 500mcg (0.5mg). Both of these are applied to the outer part of the thigh in an event of anaphylaxis. While 300mcg is a dose that can be obtained and use by everybody, Emerade 500mcg can be prescribed only to those individuals who have previously used two shots of the lower dose in order to mitigate the symptoms of a single allergic reaction.

Administration of two doses isn’t that rare – many of those affected by severe allergies are familiar with this approach. The second adrenaline dose is usually administered 15 minutes following the first one provided that the symptoms don’t improve or even get worse. If you experience an allergic reaction of this severity, be sure to notify your doctor afterwards, as he will certainly issue a new prescription that will allow you to carry two epipens with you at all times.

Can I buy Emerade without prescription?

No, just as it is the case with other adrenaline auto-injectors, you can buy Emerade only with a valid prescription issued by a certified medical professional. Injecting adrenaline should be thought of as a kind of last resort in the case of anaphylactic shock and this type of treatment shouldn’t be used otherwise. This is why you will be required to go through consultations with a doctor before buying Emerade so your condition can be thoroughly assessed. Once your doctor is certain that you are at risk of anaphylaxis, he will prescribe the proper treatment, including an epipen that is most suitable for you.

Can I buy Emerade online?

Yes, it is possible to buy Emerade online, but you can do so only at certified online clinics and with a valid prescription. So, when purchasing this medicine, you will have to provide a prescription. If you don’t have a prescription, but just a doctor’s suggestion to obtain some kind of an epipen, then you will have to go through online consultations with a doctor employed at an online clinic of your choice.

This is usually accomplished either through a live chat application of a kind or a customised medical questionnaire that the doctor will use to assess your suitability for the desired treatment. If everything is in order and the doctor approves the use of Emerade, the prescription will be issued and used that same moment to send the medicine to the address you provided, within the timespan specified by the online clinic’s business model.

It is also important to note that you can buy Emerade 500mcg online only if you have been using two pens for the treatment of a single allergic reaction in the past.

How is Emerade used?

You should always consult with a doctor or a nurse when it comes to using Emerade, or any other adrenaline auto-injector for that matter. Keep in mind that no written instruction can replace a proper training and a demonstration. However, in case you need a quick overview, you can always refer to the official patient information leaflet that is issued within every box of the epipen.

Here we will provide you with a short and simplified step-by-step instruction on how Emerade should be used. Please keep in mind that what follows is not to be used as a guideline, but just as an illustration that should help you get a clearer picture of what Emerade treatment might involve.

  • Only use in case of severe allergic reactions involving anaphylaxis
  • Make sure you can recognise situations when Emerade should be used
  • You should make sure to always have Emerade at hand
  • Ideally, try to obtain two pens so that you can remain safe even in the most severe allergic reactions
  • The most commonly prescribed dose for adults is 300mcg
  • Administer the medicine to the outer thigh
  • Emerade can be administered through clothes if needed
  • To use, first remove the protective cap
  • Position the device on the thigh at 90 degrees angle
  • You will hear the pen click when it is inserted into the muscle
  • Don’t remove the pen for at least 5 seconds
  • Massage the thigh after removing the pen
  • Call the emergency services immediately
  • If your symptoms haven’t improved or have worsened following the first administration, repeat the process with a new pen

What are Emerade side effects?

Using Emerade means getting a sudden dose of adrenaline, so certain symptoms are expected, but if any of these side effects become more serious, you should discuss the issue with your doctor as soon as possible.

Some of the commonly reported side effects include:

  • Irregular and rapid heartbeat
  • Chest pain
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Sweating
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Shaking
  • Anxiety
  • Fainting
  • Increase in blood sugar levels
  • Decrease in potassium

Is Emerade safe for me? What are the contraindications?

There are certain situations when the use of Emerade might come with its own risks. This can be the case, for example, if you are currently taking any of the following:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (also known as MAO inhibitors)
  • Parkinson’s disease treatments
  • Medicines that can cause uneven heartbeats
  • Alpha and beta blockers
  • Diabetes medicines

Alternatively, use of Emerade can be risky for you if you have a history of:

  • Heart diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Diabetes
  • Adrenal gland issues
  • Increased pressure in the eyes
  • Compromised kidney function
  • Prostate disease
  • Low potassium or high calcium levels in the blood
  • Asthma

Finally, while using Emerade while pregnant isn’t recommended, it is still advised to do administer the medicine in the case of anaphylactic shock as both yours and your child’s life may be at risk.