Jext is an emergency treatment that is administered in the case of an anaphylactic shock to patients affected by severe allergies. Available in the form of a prefilled pen, similarly to better-known EpiPen, Jext contains adrenaline (epinephrine) as its active ingredient which is injected into muscle tissue on the outer side of the thigh. In the context of anaphylaxis, adrenaline will contribute to the rise of the blood pressure levels back to normal after a severe drop characteristic of anaphylactic shock. In addition to that, it can play a significant role in the relaxation of muscles lining the airways, thus facilitating easier breathing for the person affected.

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In some situations, when Jext fails to provide relief from the symptoms within 15 minutes, another dose should be administered, meaning that those affected by anaphylactic allergies should carry at least two pens with them at all times.

Jext is a branded medicine developed and marketed by ALK-Abelló pharmaceutical company. Those looking to buy it within the UK can do so only with a valid prescription issued by a certified medical professional.

How can Jext treat anaphylaxis?

The high effectiveness and success rates Jext exhibited in emergency situations are rooted in its active ingredient, adrenaline (epinephrine) which acts directly on alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. These receptors are directly connected to the blood vessels and by stimulating them adrenaline will cause the blood vessels to narrow down, thus increasing the blood pressure and cardiac blood flow. At the same time, this process will help reduce the constriction of the muscle tissue in the airways, facilitating easier breathing.

Jext as an emergency treatment for anaphylactic shock

People living with allergies know that being prepared for unexpected is absolutely vital and medicines like Jext play an important role in that readiness to act. Epi-pens, as they are often called, were developed to be used in emergency situations, to stop the potentially life-threatening anaphylactic shock in any given situation. The doctor will usually advise you to carry at least two with you at all times in case of an exceptionally severe allergic reaction.

Can I buy Jext online in the UK?

Those looking to buy Jext in the UK should keep in mind that this is a prescription medicine and as such can only be purchased with a valid prescription and never over the counter. However, this still doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to buy Jext online – on the contrary, Jext is available in multiple online clinics operating within the United Kingdom. However, in order to legally obtain it, you will have to provide the clinic of your choice with a valid prescription or consult with their doctor in order to obtain one.

Luckily, this can be achieved fairly easily.

All you need to do is contact the clinic and ask how the process of obtaining a prescription looks like. Some online clinics will ask you to undergo detailed consultations with a doctor through a type of a chat app, others might instead offer you a detailed and customised medical questionnaire or both. In either case, the doctor will have to obtain info regarding your medical profile and history so he can assess your suitability to the treatment.

If everything is in order, a prescription will be issued and used to send the medicine to the address you provided, in line with the company policy of the online clinic of your choice.

How to use Jext auto-injector?

Once you buy Jext, the first thing you should do is thoroughly read through the official patient information leaflet that is issued within every pack of the medicine. There you will find detailed instructions on how to use the injector as well as list of side effects and contraindications. Of course, the ‘how to’ part of the leaflet should be complementary to instructions and training provided by your doctor or a nurse. If you haven’t received the proper training, talk to your doctor so you can catch up as soon as possible.

The steps outlined below are not a complete step-by-step instruction for use of Jext, but are intended to be used as an illustration that should help you gain a better understanding of what Jext use might involve.

  • Use precisely as directed
  • One pen contains 300mg of the medicine, or a single adult dose
  • You should use the pen as soon as you notice any signs of a severe allergic reaction
  • As soon as you administer the medicine, remove the allergen as soon as possible (for example, remove the bee sting or spit the food that is causing a reaction in the mouth)
  • To use the pen, first remove the yellow cap
  • The pen can be used through clothing if needed, but should always be administered directly to the outer thigh
  • Position the black tip on the outer thigh at 90 degrees
  • Press the tip firmly into the thigh until you hear a click
  • Don’t remove the pen for at least 10 seconds
  • Afterwards, massage the injection site
  • Following use, contact the emergency services immediately
  • If you notice no improvements within the next 15 minutes, administer a second dose

What are Jext side effects?

While every medicine is known to cause certain side effects in people susceptible to them, you should keep in line that emergency treatments such as Jext are rather intensive and intrusive and as such are expected to cause an array of uncomfortable side effects. At the same time, however, adrenaline auto-injectors can be the only medicines that can prevent a potentially lethal anaphylactic shock in case of an emergency.

The most common side effects include:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Excessive sweating
  • Chest pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Tremor
  • Anxiety
  • Change in blood sugar levels
  • Decreased potassium levels

However, keep in mind that most of these side effects will be rather short-lived and should pass within several hours to a couple of days. Please note that this isn’t a complete list of all known side effects – for a more comprehensive overview, please refer to the official patient information leaflet.

Is Jext safe for me?

As is the case with most medicines, Jext isn’t safe for everybody and there are several scenarios when the doctor might recommend you obtain an alternative emergency treatment. For example, Jext shouldn’t be used by people who are also taking any of the following medicines:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)
  • Parkinson’s disease medicines
  • Treatments contributing to increased susceptibility to arrhythmias
  • Alpha blockers
  • Beta blockers

In addition to this, Jext is not recommended for people who have or ever had any of the following medical conditions:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Tumour on the adrenal gland
  • Glaucoma
  • Renal disease
  • Prostate disease
  • Low potassium levels
  • High calcium levels