Competact is one of several commonly prescribed medicines for type 2 diabetes. Based on two active ingredients, this treatment helps to increase the sensitivity of specialized cells within human body to insulin, while simultaneously decreasing the amount of sugars produced by the liver. Taken twice a day, Competact tablets achieved exceptional success in managing diabetes type 2 when combined with proper and controlled dietary changes. This branded medicine is produced and marketed by Takeda pharmaceutical company and you can buy it in the UK only with a prescription.

With just two tablets per day, Competact is a very effective diabetes treatment that can successfully bring the condition under control.

What’s on this page?

Diabetes: A general introduction

Most cases of diabetes can be classified as either type 1 or type 2. And while both are lifelong conditions that cannot be cured, but only managed, type 1 diabetes tends to manifest during the early years of a person’s life, while type 2 usually develops in the later years. Regardless, both types are characterised by impaired bodily function related to the production and processing of insulin, although in cases of type 1 diabetes, the body will stop producing insulin altogether.

According to recent estimates, roughly 3 million people living in the UK are affected by diabetes with nine out of ten of those being affected by type 2 diabetes. While some symptoms tend to vary between individuals, those most common one include:

  • Constant thirst
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Increased frequency of urge to urinate
  • Dryness of the eyes

If left untreated, diabetes type 2 will increase in severity which is why it is important to visit a doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms that might be indicative of this condition.

In order to help the body generate the energy it needs to function, the pancreas gland produces a hormone called insulin. This naturally synthesised compound plays a central role in converting and transporting glucose, also known as blood sugar, to cells throughout the body, thus providing them with the energy needed to function properly.

In people affected with type 2 diabetes, one of the following problems will manifest:

  • Pancreas does not produce enough insulin to handle the amount of sugar in the blood
  • Body develops resistance to the effects of insulin, making it difficult for the energy conversion to happen

What causes diabetes?

There are several factors that can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes, including genetic predisposition for the disease and hereditary factors – which why a family history of diabetes usually means that you will have to be even more careful and visit doctor regularly to ensure that the condition didn’t develop. People older than 40 and those who are overweight are also at a significant risk of developing this condition. Finally, statistic studies have shown that certain ethnic groups are more likely to develop diabetes than others, with those of Chinese, south Asian, African or Afro-Caribbean descent being at a higher risk as opposed to other ethnic groups.

Type 2 diabetes treatment

As of now, there is no cure for diabetes in the strict use of this word. This means that once it manifests, diabetes will be a lifelong condition that cannot be really cured, but only managed. The management of condition usually revolves around management of blood glucose levels. Your doctor or a specialist will usually help you work out a diet and exercise plan which are supplementary, but crucial additions to prescription medicines. In addition to this, lifestyle changes such as losing weight, stopping smoking and limiting alcohol consumption will also be recommended, as these changes can significantly contribute to lowering the chances of further complications.

How does Competact help with diabetes?

However, in later stages of the condition, prescription medicines might be necessary to keep the condition under control. Metformin is one commonly prescribed treatment in these situations. It belongs to a class of pharmaceutical compounds called biguanide and it performs three functions:

  • Inhibiting the production of sugar in the liver
  • Increasing the receptiveness of muscle cells to insulin
  • Slowing down the intestinal absorption of sugars from food

However, for some, metformin can produce only limited results and combination treatment might be required in order to prevent the condition from progressing further. Competact is one such treatment. It contains not only metformin, but also pioglitazone as its active ingredients. Pioglitazone is classified as a thiazolidinedione agent which works by increasing the responsiveness of cells present in fat, muscles and liver to the effects of insulin, while simultaneously inhibiting excess sugar production in the liver. On top of that, pioglitazone will also facilitate the natural production of insulin in the pancreas.

How is Competact used?

In order to ensure the best possible results, while also minimising the possibility of side effects manifesting, you should adhere to the instructions provided by your prescriber and follow the general guidelines outlined in the official patient information leaflet that is issued within every pack of Competact. Some of the most general things you should keep in mind include:

  • Always take as directed
  • Usual prescribed dose is one tablet twice per day
  • You should take the tablets either with food or after eating
  • Complement the treatment with a diet plan for optimal results
  • Monitor your weight regularly and notify a doctor if you notice any sudden changes
  • Periodic liver function tests are highly recommended
  • Never exceed the prescribed dose
  • If you miss a dose, do not try to compensate for it

Are there any Competact side effects?

If you are using this medicine, it is very important to get familiar with possible side effects so you can react timely in case you need medical assistance. You should pay special attention to possible signs of lactic acidosis such as chills, general malaise, uncomfortable and severe nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss or rapid breathing.

In addition to this, symptoms such as blood in the urine, painful urinations, blurred vision, allergic reaction, hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat are all signs that you should contact your doctor or emergency service immediately.

Other, somewhat less severe side effects include:

Frequency of occurrence

Side effects

Very Common (1 in 10 users or more)

Pain in the abdomen, general malaise, diarrhoea, loss of appetite

Common (1 in 10 users or less)

Localised swelling, weight gain, headache, blood in urine, sight problems, joint pain, impotence, anaemia, numbness

Uncommon (1 in 100 users)

Sinusitis, flatulence, insomnia

Very rare (1 in 10.000 users)

Severe B12 deficiency, lactic acidosis, redness of the skin, itching and rash

Can Competact interact with other medicines?

Yes, Competact has been known to adversely interact with a number of different medicines, including:

  • Gmefibrozil
  • Rifampicin
  • Cimetidine
  • Glucocorticoids
  • Beta-2-agonists
  • Diuretics
  • ACE inhibitors

How safe is Competact?

The final answer to this question can be provided only by your doctor. However, in order to ensure that his assessment is correct, you should disclose all the relevant details, including your medical history. The use of Competact will be contraindicated if you have or have ever had any of the following conditions:

  • Heart failure
  • Bladder cancer
  • Severe circulatory problems
  • Liver disease
  • Alcoholism
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Blood in the urine
  • Kidney problems
  • Severe infection or dehydration