Ramipril capsules are a generic medicine commonly prescribed for the treatment of high blood pressure. Manufactured and marketed by Actavis pharmaceutical company among others, Ramipril is a generic version of the branded Tritace. As such, it belongs in ACE inhibitors class of pharmaceutical compounds and is available in numerous dosages so the treatment can be customized according to the severity of the condition and medical profile and history of the patient.

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Within the UK, Ramipril can be bought only with a valid prescription issued by a certified medical professional. However, once you are diagnosed with hypertension and your doctor confirms that Ramipril is suitable for you, you can easily buy this medicine both in the conventional pharmacies and online clinics.

High blood pressure (hypertension): A general introduction

Despite its high prevalence in the United Kingdom, high blood pressure is a medical condition that is not easy to spot at first. In fact, a significant percentage of people affected might be completely unaware of it. According to recent estimates, while little under a quarter of the UK population is diagnosed with condition, up to a whole third might actually be affected to some extent.

What makes hypertension so difficult to identify at first is the fact that it doesn’t produce and immediate symptoms that can be easily diagnosed. In most cases, the condition will remain completely asymptomatic and even when certain signs do manifest, they tend to be rather non-specific, including headaches, nosebleeds, general fatigue or shortness of breath.

Those affected by hypertension will be at a significantly higher risk of developing other cardiovascular conditions, and this is especially true if high blood pressure is left untreated. Luckily, with proper medication and certain lifestyle changes, it can be easily managed in most cases.

What causes high blood pressure?

Medical experts generally agree that hypertension is not caused by any one specific factor, but that it is tied to a number of contributing elements which all play a part in the onset of this condition. Most strikingly, high blood pressure is directly connected to age, with people aged 65 and over being the most affected age group. In addition to this, harmful lifestyle choices and habits have also been shown to play a prominent role. More specifically, things such as poor dietary choices (especially salt-rich diet), smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and lack of physical activity can all contribute to the development of this condition.

How is hypertension diagnosed?

The first step in diagnosing high blood pressure is, of course, taking a measurement of the blood pressure. The devices used for his measurement will provide the user with two numbers called systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The former describes the force needed for the heart to pump blood out during a beat, while the latter describes blood pressure during resting phase (between heartbeats).

These numbers provided by the gauge are given in millimetres of mercury (mmHg), in line with the standard format of the measurement bar. Usually, the output is read in the form of systolic over diastolic pressure. High blood pressure is diagnosed if two separate consecutive reasons equal or exceed 140 over 90mmHg.

High blood pressure treatment and management

Once hypertension has been diagnosed, the first thing a doctor will do will be to assess the patient’s lifestyle habits. If some changes will need to be introduced in that regard, he will recommend introducing some light exercise in your daily routine, implementation of low fat and low salt diet, and reducing the consumption of toxins such as alcohol and tobacco. However, in cases where these changes might not be enough to bring the blood pressure back to normal levels, the doctor will recommend prescription medication to be used in parallel with aforementioned lifestyle changes.

Ramipril in hypertension treatment

Ramipril belongs to a category of pharmaceutical compounds called ACE inhibitors. These substances work by inhibiting the functionality of ACE enzyme or more specifically, its activity as a catalyst for transformation of angiotensin to angiotensin II. This transformation marks the conversion of blood pressure regulating hormone into another latter stage hormone which has been known to induce high blood pressure by contributing to the contraction of the smooth muscle tissue lining the arteries. As a result, blood with exert greater pressure on the narrowed blood vessels, contributing to hypertension.

By stopping the activity of angiotensin converting enzyme (or ACE for short), Ramipril will stop the conversion and ensure lower presence of angiotensin II. As a result, there will be no additional factors causing the blood vessels to narrow and the blood pressure will begin to drop. While this treatment is used, you will have to monitor your blood pressure regularly and notify the doctor so your dose can be adjusted if needed.

How is Ramipril used?

When using any prescription medicine, you should always precisely follow the directions provided by your prescriber. In this way, you will ensure not only the optimal results, but also significantly reduced risk of side effects.

Here we will provide you with just the most general directions so you can get the idea of what Ramipril treatment will involve.

  • Take the capsules as prescribed
  • Usual starting dose is between 1.25mg and 2.5mg (once daily)
  • Do not chew or open the capsules – always take them whole and with water
  • Monitor your blood pressure regularly over the course of the treatment
  • Adhere to the instructions regarding lifestyle changes during the treatment
  • Maximum daily dose is 10mg
  • Never exceed the amount prescribed
  • If you miss a dose, do not try to compensate – just skip it and carry on with the treatment as usual

What are Ramipril side effects?

As is the case with all prescription medicines, Ramipril has also been known to cause certain side effects. Naturally, not everyone using the medicine will experience side effects, and even those who do will notice significant discrepancies in terms of severity or risk associated with adverse effect experienced.

If you notice any signs and symptoms indicative of allergic reaction, you should contact your doctor or local emergency service immediately.

When we take into account the frequency of occurrence of different side effects, we can list them in the following manner:

Frequency of occurrence Side effects
Common (1 in 10 users) Headache, tiredness, dizziness, low blood pressure, cough, sinusitis, bronchitis, stomach pain, diarrhoea, indigestion, rash, muscle cramps, general malaise, increased blood potassium levels
Uncommon (1 in 100 users) Balance problems, itching, numbness, tingling, paraesthesia, altered sense of taste, insomnia, depression, anxiety, breathing difficulties, heartburn, reduced libido, irregular heartbeat
Rare (1 in 1000 users) Confusion, swelling of the tongue, flaking or peeling of the skin, blotches, sensation of coldness in arms and legs, weakness, hearing problems

Keep in mind that this is not a full list of all known side effects. For a more comprehensive overview, please refer to the official patient information leaflet that is issued within every pack of Ramipril.

[H2] Ramipril contraindications

Just like all other prescription medicines, Ramipril isn’t suitable for everyone and there are some scenarios when the doctor might advise you against using this medicine.

For example, this might be the case if you are currently taking any of the following medicines:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Indomethacin
  • Aspirin
  • Painkillers
  • Drugs used for low blood pressure treatment
  • Asthma medicines
  • Noradrenaline or adrenaline
  • Cancer treatments (chemotherapy)
  • Lithium
  • Diuretics
  • Potassium increasing drugs
  • Diabetes medicines (insulin)

Alternatively, Ramipril will also not be suitable for people who have a history of:

  • Nuts or soya allergies
  • Angioedema
  • Kidney illnesses
  • Renal artery stenosis
  • Diabetes
  • Low or unstable blood pressure

Finally, Ramipril should not be used by women who are pregnant, are trying to conceive or are currently breastfeeding.