Dapoxetine is the active ingredient in Priligy which is designed for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Originally, dapoxetine was used to treat depression as it belongs to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI).

Compared to other SSRI medication, dapoxetine is absorbed into the body and is removed from the body much faster than other antidepressants. Therefore, it is a unique compound for the treatment of premature ejaculation and not for the treatment of depression. Dapoxetine was brought to the market in 2004.

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Treatment instructions

Several clinical studies and tests show that dapoxetine affects premature ejaculation. The drug is available in two different doses – 30 mg and 60 mg. If you are on the smaller dose and it helps, you can continue the treatment. If the smaller dosage does not work, you can increase it to 60 mg. Most often, this dosage works best for people who suffer from long-term premature ejaculation.

Dapoxetine should be taken one hour before intercourse and its duration is between one to three hours. The treatment helps premature ejaculation, maintaining an erection, and strengthens sexual satisfaction. In addition, dapoxetine helps to resolve the reasons leading to premature ejaculation such as stress, performance anxiety and personal problems.

How does dapoxetine work?

Dapoxetine appears to work on the first time it is taken, while the effects of traditional SSRI medication will only be visible within 2-3 weeks. As mentioned above, dapoxetine should be taken about 1 to 3 hours before intercourse, so that the time to ejaculation is increased to 3-4 fold after the tablet is taken. Dapoxetine improves the control over ejaculation and increases sexual satisfaction.

You can find more about premature ejaculation, here.

Side effects

Priligy tablets should not be used if you suffer from heart disease, depression, liver failure, tendency to faint or if you are currently on antidepressants.

In addition, you should use SSRI medication with caution if you have low blood pressure, unstable epilepsy, kidney failure, tendency to dizziness or if you are driving a car, as you may become drowsy or tired after taking the medicine.

The most common side effects are:

  • nausea
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • problems with blood pressure
  • redness and warmth
  • stuffy nose
  • agitation
  • tiredness
  • anxiety
  • irritation
  • difficulties concentrating
  • tremor
  • exhaustion
  • lack of sexual desire
  • ED proplems
  • Tinnitus
  • blurred vision

Less common side effects are:

  • fainting
  • depression
  • confusion
  • mood swings
  • abnormal thoughts
  • problems with vision

Can I buy dapoxetine online?

Dapoxetine-containing medicine such as Priligy can be purchased either online or through a regular pharmacy. Medication can be purchased online if you have a valid prescription prescribed by your doctor. In any case, it’s important to know that Priligy cannot be bought without a prescription. If you have any questions about the use of this medicine, contact your doctor or see the full details of the medicine on its official package leaflet.