Mirapexin is a dopamine agonist that is commonly prescribed for the treatment of restless legs syndrome (often abbreviated to RLS). Developed and marketed in the UK by Boehringer Ingelheim pharmaceutical company, Mirapexin is available in a tablet form and is based on pramipexole as an active ingredient. Most people who will be required to use this medication in order to efficiently manage their RLS will be prescribed a low dose which will be gradually increased until the maintenance dose is determined and reached. Mirapexin has been licenced and approved for sale in the UK and is considered to be very effective in managing restless legs syndrome by the medical community. It is also very simple to use, with tablets that are to be taken once daily.

What’s on this page?

What is restless legs syndrome?

Restless legs syndrome, or RLS for short, is a medical condition that is more common than most might think. It is estimated to affect one in every ten people in the UK. While it can occur in anyone, regardless of age or gender, the condition is somewhat more prevalent among women who are affected almost twice as much as men.

RLS is sometimes a symptom of an underlying medical condition, with iron deficiency anaemia or kidney failure being the most common culprits. But, for a vast majority of those affected, the exact cause of the issue can remain unknown. Some medical experts argue that genetics might be a contributing factor since restless legs syndrome has been known to run in families. Additionally, some women can also notice the symptoms during the last three months of pregnancy, which led some scientists to hypothesise that hormones might play a role. However, further examination failed to provide any final conclusions.

Is RLS dangerous?

Restless legs syndrome is not a serious or dangerous condition, if left untreated it can worsen and become rather disruptive for everyday activities. Living with RLS can have an impact on the quality of life due to its potential to disrupt sleep once the condition attains a higher level of severity.

How is restless legs syndrome treated?

Milder cases of RLS are often not treated with medications, but through various lifestyle changes. Many harmful habits can contribute to the worsening of restless legs syndrome, including smoking, disrupted sleeping schedule or lack of physical activity. Because of this, things such as quitting smoking and improving your lifestyle by stabilising your sleeping patterns and introducing exercise in your daily routine can be highly beneficial and can even manage to solve milder cases of RLS. Likewise, if an underlying medical condition can be identified, the treatment of that condition will also solve the problem with restless legs syndrome. But, if the underlying cause cannot be identified and lifestyle changes fail to bring improvements, the use of prescription medication such as Mirapexin might be necessary.

How Mirapexin works?

Mirapexin is classified as dopamine agonist due to its active ingredient pramipexole. This compound, once it is introduced into the organism, will stimulate the dopamine receptors in the brain and subsequently cause the dopamine signalling levels to increase. While the exact link between these processes and RLS is still not completely understood, the resulting changes will reduce the intensity of restless legs syndrome symptoms. While Mirapexin is considered to be highly efficient, there are some cases where no improvements will be noticed – this will, in turn, be a strong indication that there is an underlying condition that should be diagnosed in order to treat it.

Can I buy Mirapexin online in the UK?

Mirapexin is a prescription-only medication which means that it can be legally obtained only with a valid prescription issued by a certified medical professional. This wouldn’t necessarily be an obstacle to buying Mirapexin online, as numerous online clinics will offer you to consult with a doctor via the functionality of their website and obtain a prescription in such a way.

However, as Restless Legs Syndrome can be indicative of an underlying medical condition, the doctors might be somewhat reserved about issuing a prescription without conducting important tests to eliminate other possible causes. This is why it might not be as easy to buy Mirapexin online as is the case with some other medications. But, if it is not your first time buying Mirapexin in the UK, the doctor employed at the online clinic might be open for renewing your prescription after you fill in a detailed and specialised medical questionnaire that will be used to make an assessment of your suitability for using Mirapexin.

How to use Mirapexin?

Once you have bought Mirapexin and are supposed to commence treatment, you should first read through official patient information leaflet that is issued within every pack of the medicine and contact your doctor if you have any questions regarding the treatment. Following the instructions provided by the doctor and guidelines outlined in the information leaflet will ensure best possible results with Mirapexin, while at the same time reducing the risk of experiencing side effects.

  • Always take Mirapexin exactly as instructed
  • You should take one Mirapexin tablet each day, roughly two to three hours before going to bed
  • When commencing treatment, you will probably be instructed by the doctor to start with the lowest dose and then gradually increase it every week until you achieve a dose that can successfully manage the symptoms
  • Never change your dose without consulting with a doctor
  • Maximum daily dose is six tablets
  • If you make a pause in taking Mirapexin, one you start taking it again, you will have to start from the lowest dose again

Please note that the text above is here just for illustrative purposes, so you can get a better idea of what taking Mirapexin might involve. As such, it cannot be used as a substitute for the official information or the doctor’s advice.

What are Mirapexin side effects?

Common (1 in 10 users) Uncommon (1 in 100 users)
·       Sleep disturbances

·       Fatigue

·       Unusual, vivid dreams

·       Headaches

·       Constipation

·       Dizziness

·       Vomiting








·       Dyskinesia or hyperkinesia

·       Compulsive behaviour

·       Amnesia

·       Paranoia

·       Hallucinations

·       Confusion

·       Sleepiness

·       Cardiac failure

·       Weigh changes

·       Fainting

·       Anxiety

·       Hiccups

·       Mania

·       Delirium

Please keep in mind that this is not a full list of all documented side effects. For a more comprehensive overview, please refer to the official patient information leaflet that is issued within every pack of Mirapexin.