Mirvaso topical gel is a well-researched and safe product used to treat the symptoms of rosacea. Rosacea is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition characterized by strong redness on the face (also known as couperose skin), spots and boils. The problem is most commonly affected by mature women. Alcohol, tension, and extreme weather conditions can worsen the symptoms of rosacea.

Although rosacea can not be fully cured, there is effective relief available. Mirvaso topical gel works directly on the skin and relieves strong redness. Effective care of the symptoms will greatly improve the quality of life and reduce the stress experienced by redness and soreness.

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How does Mirvaso work?

The active ingredient in Mirvaso gel is brimonidine. This substance affects the blood vessels on the surface of the face, causing them to contract. The strong reddening of the face is caused by the skin’s vivid circulation. The gel helps to lower the redness and reduce blood flow on the face.

A variety of factors cause flushing and burning sensation on the face. Frequently triggering factors include alcohol, caffeinated drinks, exciting situations, stress and, for example, severe wind and cold. The symptoms of rosacea include the fact that in the beginning, temporary flushing becomes gradually permanent. Mirvaso gel helps to alleviate this redness.

Read more about roseacea and couperose.

Instructions for use

Mirvaso topical gel is applied thinly on the face once a day. The most important areas of the face include the nose, forehead, cheeks and chin. Treatment should be started with a small amount of gel.

If the symptoms stay the same and the gel does not help, the dose may be increased according to the doctor’s instructions. However, the maximum daily dose of 1 gram must not be exceeded.

What should you know?

Some Mirvaso gels can cause increased redness, burning or tingling on the face. In this case, treatment should be stopped immediately and symptoms should be discussed with your doctor. Your doctor can recommend a replacement treatment.

Mirvaso should not be used in any area other than facial tissue. Avoid it especially in mucosal areas. The cream must not be applied on the eyelids, mouth, lips or inside the nose.

Mirvaso ointment should not be used to treat any other type of skin disorder than rosacea and couperose skin.

Can I use Mirvaso if I’m wearing makeup?

Many women use a variety of cosmetic products to cover the symptoms of rosacea. When using Mirvaso cream, makeup can also be used. However, makeup must not be applied to the skin before applying Mirvaso. Wait for Mirvaso to dry, then apply makeup as per usual.

It is important to keep in mind whether certain makeup products add to skin symptoms and redness. Some cosmetics may mask and block the pores, causing skin irritation and symptoms to become worse. It is often good for people suffering from rosacea to avoid oil-based products and use makeup reasonably without covering the skin with a thick layer.

The effectiveness of the gel

The effect of the Mirvaso gel will start to work as soon as you start using it. It affects from the first day onwards. However, the cream does not work if you miss a day. Do not overdo it the day after by doubling the dose. Exceeding the maximum dose within 24 hours can cause skin irritation and other side symptoms.

The duration of use depends on the severity of the symptoms. Your doctor can estimate the time required.

Side effects

Like with all medicines, Mirvaso also has some potential side effects. The response to the drug varies individually. Symptoms should always be discussed with your doctor.

Some of the most common side effects are:

  • redness
  • paleness on the face
  • burning on the face
  • itchiness of the skin

Rare side effects are:

  • dizziness
  • low blood pressure
  • low heartbeat

Is Mirvaso suitable for me?

Mirvaso topical gel is suitable for those whose quality of life suffers from the symptoms of rosacea. It is suitable for most adults who experience this bothersome skin condition. Mirvaso is not recommended for children. Also, do not use it if:

  • you are allergic any of the ingredients in Mirvaso
  • you have issues with your kidneys or liver
  • you have open wounds or irritaded skin around the face
  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding 

On tiettyjä lääkkeitä, jotka eivät sovi yhteen Mirvaso-voiteen kanssa. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi tietyt masennuksen ja Parkinsonin taudin hoitoon käytetyt lääkkeet. Lue Mirvason pakkausseloste huolellisesti ennen käyttöä ja kerro aina lääkärille sairauksistasi ja muusta käyttämästäsi lääkityksestä

There are certain medicines that should not be used simultaneously with Mirvaso. These include, for example, certain medicines used to treat depression and Parkinson’s disease. Read the Mirvasma Package Leaflet carefully before use and always tell your doctor about your illnesses and other medications you are using.