Chlamydia is one of the sexually transmitted diseases, which can also occur in the mouth and throat. Chlamydia in the throat and in the mouth is usually not symptomatic, so it is usually difficult to detect.

Chlamydia is known as a sexually transmitted disease which is transmitted through unprotected sex. Additionally, you might catch the disease if you are having oral sex with a person with an infection. The most common manifestation of the disease is cervical inflammation which doesn’t usually oppose any symptoms. 70% of female chlamydia infections are asymptomatic, while half of the infected men show symptoms.

If you have chlamydia infection in your mouth or throat, it is very likely that you have it also in the genitals because of unprotected sexual intercourse. Therefore, you must perform STI tests for areas. Chlamydia in the throat can be easily and effectively treated with antibiotics, which are also used for the treatment of chlamydia in the genitals.

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How can you attract chlamydia in your throat or mouth?

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that contracts when the mucous membranes touch each other. There are mucous membranes also in both the mouth and throat, which means that the infection can also occur there. Chlamydia is caught in the mouth and throat through oral sex if there is no protection. It is the same Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria which is transferred through unprotected sex. Read more about sexually transmitted diseases.

What kind of risks can chlamydia cause in the mouth?

If you have chlamydia inflammation in the throat, you do not have the same risks as if you had been infected in your genitals. If you notice inflammation in the mouth, it is possible that you also have an infection in the genitals. Left untreated, chlamydia can lead to serious complications that can result in unintentional infertility. In addition, chlamydia can cause inflammation in the mouth that does not spontaneously disappear.


People with chlamydia do not usually experience any kind of symptoms. Therefore, there is a high risk that you may become infected after you have unprotected sexual intercourse or oral sex with someone with a sexually transmitted disease. However, if you experience symptoms, they usually occur 1-3 weeks after infection. This is a period called the incubation period.

Symptoms that you might experience:

  • Redness in the throat
  • Throat ache
  • Difficulties talking
  • Fever
  • Nausea

Chlamydia symptoms in the mouth often resemble symptoms of a mild influenza. Therefore, the symptoms may be misunderstood.


If you suspect to have caught chlamydia, you should be tested as soon as possible. If the disease is diagnosed, you are at risk of infecting others. So you have to be in touch with your previous sex partners. It is important that the disease is treated as soon as possible. You can do a test at a doctor or you can order a test at your home through an online clinic.

Chlamydia can be found in the urine sample about one week after infection. The chlamydia test can also be done in both urethra and cervix. However, inflammation of the rectum and the throat cannot be diagnosed with a urine sample, but if they are suspected, those tests should be completed.

Treating the mouth and throat

If you have chlamydia in your mouth or throat, you should use the same antibiotic which is used for the genital infection. As a single treatment, azithromycin is used as a single dose. In addition to antibiotics, it is important to abstain from sexual intercourse for the first week after taking the medicine and to use a condom in each sexual intercourse until the disease is found to be improved after examinations. Take two 500 mg tablets at a time. Thereafter, the drug affects the body for a few days during which it clears the inflammation. If you have had any symptoms, they will disappear after 1-2 days of taking the medicine. In some cases, it may take up to one week for the inflammation to be completely eliminated.


The safest way to avoid infection is to be without oral sex and sexual intercourse. This may not be realistic advice, so the best way is to use protection during sexual intercourse.

There are currently two contraceptive methods in the market, such as condoms and condoms for women. These provide the best protection in the market. If you have a regular sex partner, it may be worthwhile testing any other illness before you stop using the condom. It is also worth considering other contraceptive measures to prevent pregnancy.

Buying the medication online

Lääke on saatavilla ainoastaan voimassa olevan reseptin avulla, tämän vuoksi sinun on suoritettava lääkärin konsultaatio joko paikan päällä sairaalassa tai online-klinikan kautta. Tällöin lääkäri pystyy arvioimaan, sopiiko lääke sinulle. Jos lääkäri arvioi hoidon olevan tarpeen, voit tilata lääkkeen online-klinikan kautta kotiisi tai ostaa sen perinteisestä apteekista.

The medicine is available only with a valid prescription, therefore you must have a medical consultation either on-site at a hospital or through an online clinic. In this case, your doctor will be able to assess whether the medicine is suitable for you. If your doctor assesses the need for the treatment, you can order it online from your online clinic or buy it from a traditional pharmacy.