Ureaplasma is a bacterial infection in the urinary tract that can easily and efficiently be treated with antibiotics. Infection is caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum. The disease is not classified as a sexually transmitted disease, but because it usually transmits sexually, it often ends up below this class.
Ureaplasma urealyticum is closely associated with Mycoplasma genitalium infections that cause urinary tract infections and genital infections. However, most of the mycoplasma bacteria are harmless. However, some bacterial infections should be kept an eye for, for example, Ureaplasma urealyticum infections.
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Is Ureaplasma urealyticum contagious?
Infection transfers sexually because in women, the bacteria is located in the vagina and in men in the urinary tract. Infection can also be transmitted through anus, saliva or blood.
If you are in a sexual relationship with a person with Ureaplasma, you are at risk of being infected. In most cases, people do not know that they have the infection, as the symptoms do not usually occur with those infected.
Most people infected do not experience symptoms, while others may experience signs of infection after a few days or weeks.
The infection causes more frequent problems in women than men, but both genders may experience symptoms.
Symptoms in women
- stomach pain
- pain when urinating
- pain in the vagina
- changes in the vagina
- swelling of the urethra
Symptoms in men
- discharge from the penis
- pain in the penis
- itching and sweating
The symptoms of this infection are very similar to those of other sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhoea. It is therefore very important to test all sexually transmitted diseases because their treatment can differ.
Is the infection dangerous?
If you’ve got a positive diagnosis, do not panic. The infection is not dangerous and it is easy to treat. Ureaplasma may cause problems if you are pregnant, so you should be in contact with your doctor to start the treatment. If the infection is not treated, the bacteria may pass on to the child. In the worst case scenario, this may lead to the child being underweight and pneumonia.
However, the disease may be treated if you have been pregnant. In some cases, newborns may also be prescribed an antibiotic.
Ureaplasma urealyticum vs. Mycoplasma genitalium
These two are often mixed with each other and many have difficulty separating these two infections. Both infections are classified into the bacteria class of Mycoplasma. The bacterial class is very broad, with few of them causing problems or imbalances in the body. Ureaplasma urealytic and Mycoplasma genitalium are two infections that need treatment.
Both infections cause the same symptoms, such as perspiration in urination and excess vaginal or penile secretions. Infection may also result in urinary tract infection.
Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma can be transmitted sexually, but they can also be transmitted by other means. This is why they are not classified as sexually transmitted diseases but are closely related.
How should I treat it?
If you suspect you are infected with similar symptoms, contact your doctor. Many sexually transmitted diseases and pharyngitis resemble each other which is why the doctor should perform tests. The test is performed by taking a sample of the tip of the urethra where bacteria are most often hidden. In some cases, urine tests may also help to provide a proper diagnosis.
Mostly, you will receive an answer within a few days, after which your doctor can write you a prescription. You can also buy medicines online through an online clinic as long as you first go through medical consultation.
Medical treatment
Infection is usually treated with antibiotics. There are a number of different antibiotics on the market that can be used to treat the infection.
Bacteria that cause Ureaplasma Infection are slightly different from other bacterial strains because they do not have a cell wall. Antibiotic activity is usually based on the destruction of the bacterial cell walls. Ureaplasma urealyticum does not have a cell wall for which a different antibiotic should be used.
Ureaplasman hoidossa voidaan yleensä käyttää useanlaisia antibiootteja. Yksi laji kuuluu makrolidiryhmään, kuten atsitromysiini. Muita mahdollisia antibiootteja ovat tetrasykliinit, kuten doksisykliini.
Generally, a variety of antibiotics can be used to treat ureaplasma. One option is azithromycin. Other possible antibiotics include tetracyclines such as doxycycline.
Duration of the treatment
Usein yksittäinen annos riittää taudin torjumiseen. Antibiootti vaikuttaa kehossasi muutaman päivän ajan, jonka jälkeen olet taas täysin terve. Tämän jälkeen olisi kuitenkin tärkeää testata, että infektio on poissa. Tämä johtuu siitä, että Ureaplasma urealyticumiin lukeutuvat mykoplasma-bakteerit voivat kehittää vastustuskyvyn tiettyihin antibiootteihin. Tämän vuoksi sinun tulee pitää silmällä oireitasi ja testata, että kaikki on niin kuin pitää.
Often, a single dose is sufficient enough to fight the disease. Antibiotic affects your body for a few days, after which you are again completely healthy. After this, however, it is important to test that the infection is gone. This is because the mycoplasma bacteria belonging to Ureaplasma urealyticum can develop susceptibility to certain antibiotics. Therefore, you should keep an eye on your symptoms and test that everything is as it should be.
Sahe about your possible infection
If you have had a positive diagnosis, be in touch with your previous sex partners.
Prevention of ureaplasma
The safest way to avoid the infection is to be without oral sex and sexual intercourse. This may not be realistic advice, so the best way is to use protection during sexual intercourse.
There are currently two contraceptive methods in the market, such as condoms and condoms for women. They do not protect against infection by 100%, but they offer the best protection. If you have a regular sex partner, it’s good to test for any other diseases before you stop using a condom. It is also worth considering other contraceptive measures to prevent pregnancy.