Acne is a common name for impurities on the skin, which includes blackheads, pimples and cysts. Pimples on the back are similar to acne elsewhere in the body. However, it is true that the treatment for pimples on the back may be more difficult than around the facial area and may require different types of treatment. Everyone has sebaceous glands on their skin which protect the skin all the way from childhood.

Acne is common in areas where many sebaceous glands are present, such as the face, chest, and back. However, the amount may vary depending on the hormone activity and hereditary factors. About 90 percent have acne at the end of puberty, but half of them also suffer from it during their adulthood and a few percent at the age of 40. It is normal that the skin involves a large number of bacteria, but when they grow rapidly, sebaceous glands can become inflamed, thus forming a pimple.

What’s on this page?

Who can get pimples on the back?

Everyone can get a few pimples on their backs. It can happen to young people and adults, both men and women. However, younger people tend to be affected relatively more than adult men or women, as the hormone activity is more active and hence the skin may be oilier than normal. This can cause more blackheads and more pimples. In adults, menopausal women can get affected by acne because of the decrease in estrogen hormone.

If you are young and are suffering from acne, no matter where it appears on your body, it often disappears with age. In addition, acne can also be hereditary, so if your mother or father has had major problems with pimples, you may also suffer from the same problem.

Infected sebaceous glands on the back

Acne is caused by many inflamed glands. In adolescence, the production of the stem grows, which makes the skin more oily and therefore it is also prone to pimples. The blackheads in the back are caused by a tallow that is blocked by the pores.

Blackheads, also called as skin warms are black because the fat and dead skin cells mix with oxygen in the air. Moreover, they are not black because of dirt. Blackheads can be difficult to see and therefore many people first find that they have acne on their backs only until they have developed into pimples.

You can find more information about acne here. 

Inflammatory disease ’acne conglobata’

Acne conglobata is an inflammatory type of adult acne that can especially affect men. The typical symptoms for this condition are impurities on the back and inflamed spots that can emit a strong odour. This disease can be very malignant and cause scarring.

Treatment options

If you are bothered by pimples, blackheads, or cysts, fortunately, there are many treatment options you can try to get rid of them. Follow these tips and you are on your road to achieving a clean, beautiful and even skin.

Wash your face properly

Wash your back lightly with soap. Do not use any just kind of soap but one that is intended for a problem skin. Make sure that the soap is not oil-based because it only makes it more problematic.

If you sweat a lot during the day, it is important that you wash your back as soon as possible at the end of the day because sweat can worsen the acne problems on your back.

Scrub your skin on a weekly basis

One of the problems caused by blackheads is that they exist in dead skin cells in the sebaceous glands. Thus, the skin should be cleaned once or twice a week.

You should preferably use a mild exfoliating cream that increases blood circulation in the body while removing dead skin cells. Make sure you do not rub it too hard, as it may worsen the skin.

Wash your hair often

If you have a long hair that often hangs on your neck and back, you should avoid getting it greasy by remembering to wash it often. Wash your hair as soon as it gets greasy so it does not transfer any dirt on your back. Moreover, you could try keeping your hair up higher on a ponytail to prevent any impurities.

Change your linen and shirts often

Textiles that are in contact with your back should be replaced often. This applies to sweaters, tops, bras, t-shirts, sportswear and bedding. This is because textiles often contain many bacteria that can transfer on the skin, causing impurities on the back to worsen.

Use cream on the pimples

There are a number of creams available that you can buy without a prescription from the pharmacy. These can help you treat the impure skin. Normally, those creams that are available for the face also work on the back acne.

Remember to always follow the instructions on the packaging and check if the product is causing any damage. It may take a moment before you see any results. Please be patient!

Book an appointment with a dermatologist

If the above advice does not work, it may be time to consider medical treatment. There are many treatments against the acne on the back.

Antibiotic creams

One of these is Skinoren cream that your doctor can prescribe. It is applied directly onto the area and it works by dissolving scars and preventing any further bacterial growth.

Contraceptive pills

There are also contraceptive pills available for women which can help to cure acne. In particular, the brand Dianette is known to affect impurities on the skin. However, this treatment is not suitable for all women, but your doctor can help you to evaluate if this option is right for you or not.


The last option is a tablet treatment with an antibiotic called tetralysal. This medication lasts for a long time and helps to counteract bacterial growth that causes acne on the back. It can be quite strong which is why it is not suitable for everyone, so it can only be used when you have very difficult problems with impurities.